
Managing Human Resources

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  • Name of the Textbook: Managing Human Resources
  • B.com: 4th Sem
  • Author: DR. MEMORIA
  • Publisher: Sahitya Bhawan Publications
  • Language: Hindi
  • Book: New
  • ISBN:978-93-89797-01-5
  • Pay on Delivery: Delivery 3-7 working days
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मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन Managing Human Resources Syllabus For B.Com Semester IV of Lucknow University 

Unit I: Nature and Concept of HRM, Importance, Present-Day Challenges. Human Resource Planning concept and process.

Unit II: Job Analysis: Job Description and Job Specification. Recruitment & Selection: the difference between them, Process of Selection-Stages; Socialization and Induction.

Unit III: Training & Development: Difference between the two, Process and methods of training and development, Performance Appraisal: Methods of Performance Appraisal.

Unit IV: Compensation Planning; Meaning and objectives, Developing Pay Structures, Principles of Wage and Salary Administration, Promotions, Demotions, Transfers, and Separations.

मानव संसाधन प्रबंधन Managing Human Resources विषय-सूची

  1. मानव संसाधन प्रबन्ध (प्रकृति, अवधारणा एवं महत्व)
  2. मानव संसाधन नियोजन
  3. कार्य विश्लेषण
  4. भर्ती एवं चयन
  5. समाजीकरण एवं आगमन
  6. प्रशिक्षण एवं विकास
  7. निष्पादन मूल्यांकन
  8. क्षतिपूर्ति नियोजन
  9. मजदूरी एवं उनके विभिन्न आयाम
  10. मजदूरी भुगतान की पद्धतियां
  11. मजदूरी एवं वेतन प्रशासन
  12. पदोन्नति, पदावनति एवं स्थानान्तरण
  13. पृथक्करण/अलगाव