
Selling and Advertising

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    • Name of the Textbook: विक्रय एवं विज्ञापन (Selling and Advertising
    • Author(s): Dr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Dr. S.C. Jain
    • Publisher: Sahitya Bhawan Publications
    • ISBN: 978-93-89111-33-0
    • Language: English
    • Book: New

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UNIT-I: Selling: Concept, Nature, and Role in Marketing. Personal Selling: the Evolving face of Personal Selling, Nature and importance of Personal Selling, Characteristics of a successful salesperson, Sales as a career option, Sales training, Consumer psychology and buying motives, difference between the selling of consumer and Industrial Products.

UNIT-II: Selling Process: Prospecting, Pre-approach, Approach, Sales presentation, and demonstration, Handling objections, Closing the sale, After-sale service. Effective selling techniques, the role of relationship marketing in personal selling, tools of selling, motivating and Remunerating Salespersons.

UNIT-III: Advertising: Concept, role, functions, scope and types, Economic, Social, Legal and Ethical aspects of Advertising. Advertising Appeals: Meaning, types and methods, advertising as a persuasive communication process. Advertising Design: Characteristics and basic elements of Advertising copy. Creation, Production, and Planning of Advertisements. Advertising Budget: Types, Components, and process of preparing. Advertising Agency: Functions and Selection of Agency.

UNIT-IV: Advertising as a component of Integrated Marketing Communication, AIDA and DAGMAR model. Advertising Media: Types (Print, Outdoor, Electronic and other), Characteristics, merits and limitations of each media type. Media planning: Selection of media category; their reach, frequency, impact, cost and other factors influencing media choice. Problems in reaching a rural and remote audience. Evaluation of Advertising effectiveness: Importance, difficulties, and methods of measuring advertising effectiveness.